
  • Functionality

Living together on the same place in a share flat, enjoying the situation and having fun with your roommates is a question of organization and most important communication. Our application is composed of different sections. A glance of the homepage gives a good impression of each of them.

  • Sections

There is a calendar section where every person can make some suggestions of events or make some notifications to catch the attention of the others. In this section, there is also the individual chore for the week which are automatically separated between the roommates.

A game section with Migros prices and a quizzes. The goal is to motivate the group and help to develop companionship between the participants.

A Bank page to manage their household budget together and to keep an overview of their finances, linked to a shopping list so that they can also manage their groceries in the community.

And finally an information page which gives an overview of the collocation and all the roommate.

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  • Realization

We looked first at existing applications for communities and explored the visual identity of Migros. Secondly, we conducted field research to different houses in order to fully understand how people live together and what their needs are.

After that, we defined which direction we should focus on. We created some Personas to refine our concept and created first wireframes.

After some tests, we redefine the graphics and realized a Click-Dummy to test in real a first version of the app. Based on the test results, we improved the design and some smaller details for the final functional prototype.
