Dawn 4000

Dawn  4000
  • Gameplay

The player is placed on a platform on which he can teleport himself anywhere. He has a sword in each hand to hit enemies. To make the game more interesting we created two types of enemies, enemies on the ground attacking the nexus directly and moving targets that are randomly spawned to shoot the nexus.

Ground enemies die when touched but the only way to stop the moving targets is to hit them before they are fully activated. The activation of the target is a process that takes some seconds, the players is alerted by sounds and animation and has a certain time to react.

Dawn 4000 Dawn 4000
Dawn 4000 Dawn 4000
Dawn  4000
Dawn  4000
  • Creation

The game is programmed with unity and graphics made with Blender, Illustrator and Photoshop. The sounds are reworked with audacity. After deciding the direction the game should take, we defined roles in the team according to our abilities.

I personally mostly participated in the development of 2D and 3D graphics (sky box, building, platform, nexus, sword, etc.) and the work of some sound effect. During the whole week we helped each other, tested and redefined the game.

Dawn 4000 Dawn 4000
Dawn  4000