
  • zoetrope

We conducted research on different types of waves. We also tested different ways of physically representing the results obtained, by collage, paper model and 3D printing. The infrastructure put at our disposal had their limits and added to the complexity of the forms and patterns. It what a challenge to find something feasible.

Throughout our research, we got a fairly simple form, printable in 3D which represents the deformation of water and decided finally to represent this behavior.

  • Research

We wanted to catch and understand a behavior so we proceeded as follows: we experimented and observed, transformed and recreated. We first did some experiments with sound frequencies (Chladni plate, 150 Hz to 730Hz) and water. We realized that the form of the plate was decisive in the idea to form different patterns and we tried two unpredictable forms.

We drew an index of the results, illustrated the effects of water with Processing and programmed some sinus and cosines curves. At least inspired by Rhythmic Gymnastics we experiment with waves on a fabric tape attached to a wooden stick.

waves waves
waves waves